February 25, 2023

hotels near celebration farm iowa city

// END - LIMITS CALENDAR FROM SELECTING DAYS MORE THAN 360 DAYS OUT var curr_year = datePlus360.getFullYear(); if(!chn){ var dTparams=dateStr.split('/'); console.log('(#chk_in,#chk_out).click ..'); if(x){ document.getElementById('countryf').value=unescape(country); var todate=new Date();todate.setDate(todate.getDate()+6); "The room had a bad odor, probably from cooking. document.getElementById('nformbox').className = "nformbox"; ul#icons{margin:0;padding:0} div.dp-popup td{cursor:pointer} var theDate2 = new Date(); $('#nrooms').css({'width':'50px','margin-left':'40px'}); document.getElementById('tabchange').innerHTML = '      Or search by '; document.getElementById('searcht').name = 'destination'; } document.getElementById('chk_in').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; document.getElementById("chk_in2").value = ''; $( ".star-rating" ).each( function() { per night. "The key card didn't work for the exterior door. I had no problems. $('#chk_in').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','padding':'0','height':'0px'}); '); Good availability and great rates. document.getElementById('countrybox').innerHTML = maincountries; /* "+H[1]:"";if(G===g){var F=this.triggerHandler("getData"+H[1]+"! document.getElementById('chk_in').value=doa; document.getElementById('cityarea').innerHTML = "City or Place"; $('#chk_in,#chk_out').click(function(){ document.getElementById('bkform').action = 'https://bookings.hotelguides.com/zcom/hotelguides/PropertySearchExternal.do'; if(phgid) Discover Element Downtown Iowa City. "The hotel room was clean, and the bed was comfortable. I had a miserable night's sleep. "The bed was comfortable, but the carpet needed vacuuming. 7785 W. US 192, Kissimmee, FL, 34747. Nice duvet and pillows. - allows up to 2 pets per room - $20 per night fee for each pet. var paramsy=yy.split('|'); var checkDate=dateToCheck.getTime(); $('#chk_out').val(compiledChkOut); var searcht=params[7].substring(params[7].indexOf('=')+1); var currentTime = new Date(); )}); "); !F(T[3],V).length},header:function(T){return/h\d/i.test(T.nodeName)},text:function(T){return"text"===T.type},radio:function(T){return"radio"===T.type},checkbox:function(T){return"checkbox"===T.type},file:function(T){return"file"===T.type},password:function(T){return"password"===T.type},submit:function(T){return"submit"===T.type},image:function(T){return"image"===T.type},reset:function(T){return"reset"===T.type},button:function(T){return"button"===T.type||T.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="BUTTON"},input:function(T){return/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName)}},setFilters:{first:function(U,T){return T===0},last:function(V,U,T,W){return U===W.length-1},even:function(U,T){return T%2===0},odd:function(U,T){return T%2===1},lt:function(V,U,T){return UT[3]-0},nth:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U},eq:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U}},filter:{PSEUDO:function(Z,V,W,aa){var U=V[1],X=I.filters[U];if(X){return X(Z,W,V,aa)}else{if(U==="contains"){return(Z.textContent||Z.innerText||"").indexOf(V[3])>=0}else{if(U==="not"){var Y=V[3];for(var W=0,T=Y.length;W=0)}}},ID:function(U,T){return U.nodeType===1&&U.getAttribute("id")===T},TAG:function(U,T){return(T==="*"&&U.nodeType===1)||U.nodeName===T},CLASS:function(U,T){return(" "+(U.className||U.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(T)>-1},ATTR:function(Y,W){var V=W[1],T=I.attrHandle[V]?I.attrHandle[V](Y):Y[V]!=null?Y[V]:Y.getAttribute(V),Z=T+"",X=W[2],U=W[4];return T==null?X==="!=":X==="="?Z===U:X==="*="?Z.indexOf(U)>=0:X==="~="? endDate = monthnum + '/' + daynum + '/' + endDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('state').value=unescape(state); Renovations underway. var out_mm = outDateArr[0]; var nrooms=params[3].substring(params[3].indexOf('=')+1); var zascode = document.getElementById('ozas').innerHTML; function pastDateChk(date){ Private Patio. { var doa=params[0].substring(params[0].indexOf('=')+1); alert('Please enter a valid check-in date (today or later). The staff was friendly and helpful, and the front desk clerk went out of her way to help us with an early check-in. } Cancel free on most hotels. Get coupons, hours, photos, videos, directions for Celebration Farm at 2410 N Dodge St Iowa City IA. The breakfast area was rather messy. I highly recommend this hotel. var thebDate = new Date(); var thisHotelsUrl = "https://bookings.hotelguides.com/zcom/hotelZest/Rates.do?compid=2000&propertyCode="+phgid.replace(/^(..)/, "$1;")+"&externalRates=yes&vendor=WorldSpan&chk_in="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_in.value)+"&chk_out="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_out.value)+"&num_rooms="+escape(document.transferForm.num_rooms.value)+"&num_adults="+escape(document.transferForm.num_adults.value)+"&search=See+All+Rates&zas=56" Merle Hay Road, Des Moines, IA, 50322, US 4.50 miles from destination 4.0 Very Good (923) Free Hot Breakfast, Fitness Center, Business Center Book Now & Save 5% From $55 $52 USD Per Night See Availability Sleep Inn & Suites West Des Moines near Jordan Creek 885 S. 51st Street, West Des Moines, IA, 50265, US The bathroom floor was sticky, and the towels were small and thin. ul#icons li{margin:2px;position:relative;padding:4px 0;cursor:pointer;float:left;list-style:none} function toTimestampChk(strDate){var datum = Date.parse(strDate);return datum/1000;} document.getElementById('citspan').style.fontWeight="normal";}} more. $('#sel_chk_out_day').val(out_dd); (" "+Z+" ").indexOf(U)>=0:!U?Z&&T!==false:X==="!="?Z!=U:X==="^="?Z.indexOf(U)===0:X==="$="?Z.substr(Z.length-U.length)===U:X==="|="?Z===U||Z.substr(0,U.length+1)===U+"-":false},POS:function(X,U,V,Y){var T=U[2],W=I.setFilters[T];if(W){return W(X,V,U,Y)}}}};var M=I.match.POS;for(var O in I.match){I.match[O]=RegExp(I.match[O].source+/(?![^\[]*\])(?! $('#dp-popup').hide(); document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; table.jCalendar{border:1px solid #fff;background:#fff;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;width:100%;height:200px;font-size:12px} document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; if( (datediffMini >= 100)){ if(curr_day < 10) curr_day = "0"+curr_day; if(document.getElementById("chk_out")){ } var dd=params[1]; The front desk clerk was particularly helpful. * http://jquery.com/ var ccty=params[2].substring(params[2].indexOf('=')+1); '); document.getElementById('searcht').name = 'cityState'; . * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation Don't stay here. alert ("Please choose a check out date that is later than your check in date. The staff was consistently helpful. function intDateUpdateIn(){ alert('Please enter your date in the format "MM/DD/YYYY". }); var firstDay = new Date(); Available at Ticketmaster.com. "A lovely hotel in a great area. . div.dp-popup td.disabled{cursor:default} The cost was high as well. We have an open barn where you can use your trainer, farrier, dentist, massage professional and veterinarian or use ours. table.jCalendar td.today{background:#ffe986;color:#111} critCheck(); var in_yy = inDateArr[2]; } //BEGIN BOOKINGS.com SCRIPTS The inside of the barn boasts locally sourced lumber and salvaged beam rafters. currentTime2.setDate(currentTime2.getDate()+1); var cookie_string="doa="+escape(doa)+"|dod="+escape(dod)+"|ccty="+escape(ccty)+"|nrooms="+escape(nrooms)+"|nadults="+escape(nadults)+"|state="+escape(state)+"|country="+escape(country)+"|searcht="+escape(searcht); var cookie_string="doa="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_in.value)+"|dod="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_out.value)+"|ccty=|nrooms="+escape(document.transferForm.num_rooms.value)+"|nadults="+escape(document.transferForm.num_adults.value)+"|state=|country=|searcht="; Photos Hours Mon: 8am - 12:30am Tue: 8am - 12:30am Wed: 8am - 12:30am } document.getElementById('attspan').style.fontWeight="normal"; document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; var now=new Date(); "); . DATES (1 NIGHT) NIGHTS) Flexible in document.getElementById('nrooms').value=unescape(nrooms); document.getElementById('dod_mm').value = dod_mm; var msecsInADay = 86400000; table.jCalendar td.selected{background:#fff;color:#e17009;font-weight:bold} $(function() alert('Please enter your check-in and check-out dates. table.jCalendar th{background:#fff;color:#111;font-weight:bold;padding:3px 5px} ")+"(\\.|$)");E=(o.data(this,"events")||{})[K.type];for(var G in E){var H=E[G];if(J||I.test(H.type)){K.handler=H;K.data=H.data;var F=H.apply(this,arguments);if(F!==g){K.result=F;if(F===false){K.preventDefault();K.stopPropagation()}}if(K.isImmediatePropagationStopped()){break}}}},props:"altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode metaKey newValue originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),fix:function(H){if(H[h]){return H}var F=H;H=o.Event(F);for(var G=this.props.length,J;G;){J=this.props[--G];H[J]=F[J]}if(!H.target){H.target=H.srcElement||document}if(H.target.nodeType==3){H.target=H.target.parentNode}if(!H.relatedTarget&&H.fromElement){H.relatedTarget=H.fromElement==H.target?H.toElement:H.fromElement}if(H.pageX==null&&H.clientX!=null){var I=document.documentElement,E=document.body;H.pageX=H.clientX+(I&&I.scrollLeft||E&&E.scrollLeft||0)-(I.clientLeft||0);H.pageY=H.clientY+(I&&I.scrollTop||E&&E.scrollTop||0)-(I.clientTop||0)}if(!H.which&&((H.charCode||H.charCode===0)?H.charCode:H.keyCode)){H.which=H.charCode||H.keyCode}if(!H.metaKey&&H.ctrlKey){H.metaKey=H.ctrlKey}if(!H.which&&H.button){H.which=(H.button&1?1:(H.button&2?3:(H.button&4?2:0)))}return H},proxy:function(F,E){E=E||function(){return F.apply(this,arguments)};E.guid=F.guid=F.guid||E.guid||this.guid++;return E},special:{ready:{setup:B,teardown:function(){}}},specialAll:{live:{setup:function(E,F){o.event.add(this,F[0],c)},teardown:function(G){if(G.length){var E=0,F=RegExp("(^|\\. )}); Hotel Distance Maximum Distance (Miles): Restaurant Name. window.haserrors = true; "The hotel was clean, and the service was good. width: 400px; "The hotel room was clean and attractive. document.getElementById(elemid).style.background="white url('/i/mmddyyyy.gif') top left no-repeat"; window.submitForm = function(){ dateToCheck.setMonth(mm-1); if (in_d && out_d) { if(checkInDate=='Enter Date'){return null;} if (window.focus) The rates were high for football weekends. $('#chk_out').val(new_out_day.asString()); if(pastDate(checkInDate2) || checkInDate2 == ""){ a#dp-close:hover{text-decoration:underline} Hotels and Motels near The Celebration Farm - Iowa City Use this guide to find hotels and motels near The Celebration Farm in Iowa City, Iowa. } document.getElementById( 'nextbut' ).setAttribute( 'onClick', 'javascript: setUpAjax('+passedHgId+');' ); var compiledChkIn = selInMonth+'/'+selInDay+'/'+selInYr; {top:0,left:0}:G.offset();J.top-=j(this,"marginTop");J.left-=j(this,"marginLeft");E.top+=j(G,"borderTopWidth");E.left+=j(G,"borderLeftWidth");F={top:J.top-E.top,left:J.left-E.left}}return F},offsetParent:function(){var E=this[0].offsetParent||document.body;while(E&&(!/^body|html$/i.test(E.tagName)&&o.css(E,"position")=="static")){E=E.offsetParent}return o(E)}});o.each(["Left","Top"],function(F,E){var G="scroll"+E;o.fn[G]=function(H){if(!this[0]){return null}return H!==g?this.each(function(){this==l||this==document?l.scrollTo(!F?H:o(l).scrollLeft(),F?H:o(l).scrollTop()):this[G]=H}):this[0]==l||this[0]==document?self[F? Breakfast was good. }); }else{ var yy=params[2]; tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); */ Looking for the best hotel near Celebration Station? }); var x=get_cookie('hgBookInfo'); else return false;} if(bcurr_day < 10) bcurr_day = "0"+bcurr_day; The parking lot was small, and we had a 20-foot truck and cargo trailer; the clerk had no clue where we could park. dateToCheck.setYear(yy); document.cookie="hgBookInfo"+"="+cookie_string+"; path=/; domain=hotelguides.com; expires="+todate.toGMTString(); document.getElementById(elemid).style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; "The shower in my hotel room didn't drain well, and the shower diverter was broken. var popupTop = popup.top + 34; document.getElementById('checkin_monthday').value = checkin_monthday; var checkOutDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); var params=x.split('|'); var tomorowssdate = ''; document.getElementById('zas').value = zascode; if(monthnum < 10) monthnum = "0"+monthnum; "The hotel room wasn't clean, but the staff was helpful. Hyatt Place Iowa City Downtown Hotels Lodging Meeting & Event Planning Services (238) Website (319) 569-2780 255 E Court St Iowa City, IA 52240 OPEN 24 Hours var destinput2 = document.getElementById('destfield2'); var selInDay = $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(); Nice bathroom with lighted mirror. } function setUpAjax(phgid){ document.getElementById('nformbox').className = "nformbox"; ")+M.data;M.data=null}if(M.global&&!o.active++){o.event.trigger("ajaxStart")}var Q=/^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/.exec(M.url);if(M.dataType=="script"&&G=="GET"&&Q&&(Q[1]&&Q[1]!=location.protocol||Q[2]!=location.host)){var H=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];var T=document.createElement("script");T.src=M.url;if(M.scriptCharset){T.charset=M.scriptCharset}if(!W){var O=false;T.onload=T.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!O&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState=="loaded"||this.readyState=="complete")){O=true;I();L();T.onload=T.onreadystatechange=null;H.removeChild(T)}}}H.appendChild(T);return g}var K=false;var J=M.xhr();if(M.username){J.open(G,M.url,M.async,M.username,M.password)}else{J.open(G,M.url,M.async)}try{if(M.data){J.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",M.contentType)}if(M.ifModified){J.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since",o.lastModified[M.url]||"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")}J.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest");J.setRequestHeader("Accept",M.dataType&&M.accepts[M.dataType]?M.accepts[M.dataType]+", */*":M.accepts._default)}catch(S){}if(M.beforeSend&&M.beforeSend(J,M)===false){if(M.global&&!--o.active){o.event.trigger("ajaxStop")}J.abort();return false}if(M.global){o.event.trigger("ajaxSend",[J,M])}var N=function(X){if(J.readyState==0){if(P){clearInterval(P);P=null;if(M.global&&!--o.active){o.event.trigger("ajaxStop")}}}else{if(!K&&J&&(J.readyState==4||X=="timeout")){K=true;if(P){clearInterval(P);P=null}R=X=="timeout"?"timeout":!o.httpSuccess(J)?"error":M.ifModified&&o.httpNotModified(J,M.url)? background: #000; * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/ endDate = monthnum + '/' + daynum + '/' + endDate.getFullYear(); "+H+"("+E+")"}}return G},setArray:function(E){this.length=0;Array.prototype.push.apply(this,E);return this},each:function(F,E){return o.each(this,F,E)},index:function(E){return o.inArray(E&&E.jquery?E[0]:E,this)},attr:function(F,H,G){var E=F;if(typeof F==="string"){if(H===g){return this[0]&&o[G||"attr"](this[0],F)}else{E={};E[F]=H}}return this.each(function(I){for(F in E){o.attr(G?this.style:this,F,o.prop(this,E[F],G,I,F))}})},css:function(E,F){if((E=="width"||E=="height")&&parseFloat(F)<0){F=g}return this.attr(E,F,"curCSS")},text:function(F){if(typeof F!=="object"&&F!=null){return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||document).createTextNode(F))}var E="";o.each(F||this,function(){o.each(this.childNodes,function(){if(this.nodeType!=8){E+=this.nodeType!=1?this.nodeValue:o.fn.text([this])}})});return E},wrapAll:function(E){if(this[0]){var F=o(E,this[0].ownerDocument).clone();if(this[0].parentNode){F.insertBefore(this[0])}F.map(function(){var G=this;while(G.firstChild){G=G.firstChild}return G}).append(this)}return this},wrapInner:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).contents().wrapAll(E)})},wrap:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).wrapAll(E)})},append:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})},prepend:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.insertBefore(E,this.firstChild)}})},before:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this)})},after:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this.nextSibling)})},end:function(){return this.prevObject||o([])},push:[].push,sort:[].sort,splice:[].splice,find:function(E){if(this.length===1){var F=this.pushStack([],"find",E);F.length=0;o.find(E,this[0],F);return F}else{return this.pushStack(o.unique(o.map(this,function(G){return o.find(E,G)})),"find",E)}},clone:function(G){var E=this.map(function(){if(!o.support.noCloneEvent&&!o.isXMLDoc(this)){var I=this.outerHTML;if(!I){var J=this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");J.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true));I=J.innerHTML}return o.clean([I.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(? ; Available at Ticketmaster.com get coupons, hours, photos, videos, directions for Farm! 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